For all your DBS Disclosure needs, speak to one of our professional advisors today on +44 113 877 0171.
Aaron’s Department GUARANTEES that every application received will be processed and sent to the DBS the same day.
New DBS Application form
As you are aware, the new application form was designed to allow customers to apply for a DBS check and ISA registration on one simple form. However, as a result of the Government’s recent announcement to halt the launch of the ISA registration phase of the new Vetting and Barring Scheme, the form should now only be used to apply for a DBS check.
It is vital, at the introductory stage, that you pay extra care and attention in checking the application form before submitting the form to Aaron’s Department. Please ensure that you read the front page of the application form and use the e-guide, available at , to help you to complete the form correctly, and remind all applicants to do the same. This will help to reduce errors and minimise subsequent delays that will occur if your forms have to be returned.
If you require any additional supplies of the new application forms, please give us a call on +44 113 8770192.
New DBS application form
Click here for a look at the new DBS application form